BBC Radio Scotland to Waterstone’s in Kensington

After my Scottish Asian Women’s award, I was on BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme talking about my memoir Mongol and the campaign against the misuse of the term mongol. Since then it has been crazy with many events one after another. My Edinburgh and London launch events went very well with many people. There were some interests from different press in Mongolia and Britain. I’ll put up a video that was done by a Mongolian journalist Khulan ( here for you to get the feel of the event in Waterstone’s in Kensington, London.

I spoke to the Sunday Mail as they join forces with the Scottish Book Trust to launch Scotland’s Stories of Home – encouraging Scots to tell people their real-life tales. I first started putting my story down on paper as part of a Scottish Book Trust project Family Legends encouraging new writers. Sunday MailI believe that Scotland’s Stories of Home project is an another great platform for people who want to start writing or share that inner story which has to be told and read by many. So what are you waiting for?